Welcome to recipes and stories from an unorganized but tasty self taught home cook/movie junkie.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Preview

It's been a busy week. The kids are off from school. We have overnight guests that are kids themselves. Took a field trip. And I'm still recovering from Girls' Weekend away.

As always, with Girls' Weekend Away, there is a whole lot of this:

And a whole lot of good food to go with it. Here's a preview of recipes that will be coming up in the next few days. So....stayed tuned because The Movie Junkie Cooks will be back with awesome finger foods for ladies, men, and everyone in between. They are real pleasers. Appetizers that are pleasers. Hmmmm....I think I'm on to something here. I think I'll call them "Appepleasers". Or spell it all funky like "Appepleazers". I like throwing a "z" in words. I don't know why.


Mom's Stuffed Mushrooms:
Crab Salad in Won Tons:
Little Dogs Wrapped in Bacon:
Hawaiian Meatballs:
Grandma's Sausage Bread:

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