Welcome to recipes and stories from an unorganized but tasty self taught home cook/movie junkie.

Monday, February 21, 2011

The Delicious Imagination of a Child

Over the weekend I had a very much needed Girl's Weekend Away. The first night consisted of a delicious dinner out with my oldest, nearest, and dearest friend and then back to her house where we drank, laughed, and cooked different items for us to serve on the second night.

We'll get to the food we made and the second night another day. For now, I want to introduce you to this:

I did not make it. Her son did. He's "tween" aged. He's a growing boy. He was hungry. So, he broke out the little Snack Pack of Vanilla Pudding, a Bag of Pretzels, and a Jar of Peanut Butter. And he created this:

As Mothers, my friend and I looked at him with eyebrows raised. He looked at us back with that mischievous grin that all young men seem to get and said "What? It's good!"

Then he offered us a tasting.

And it was good. It was more than good. It was really good. Who knew that a tiny pretzel sandwich with peanut butter and vanilla pudding would be so good.

So, the next time you're hungry for a snack but nothing is really jumping out at you.... You have a craving, but you don't know what you are craving.... Pretend you are eleven years old and play in the kitchen. The kitchen is meant to be a creative space. Don't be afraid. The worse that can happen is you spit it out and never mix that combo together again.

And if you are really stumped.....go for the pretzel/pudding/peanut butter sandwich. It really is that good.

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