Welcome to recipes and stories from an unorganized but tasty self taught home cook/movie junkie.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

And Now...My Super-BOWL!!!! (and a little drink on the side too)

I did the Nachos. I did the wings. If you missed them, feel free to scroll down and check them out. Now, on to what I promised. The main part of my Superbowl meal. It's super! And you eat it in a bowl! My Super-BOWL of what I call My Jambalaya!!!!

I'm gonna let you in on a little secret: I've never had real Jambalaya. It's just not something you find on a regular basis in my neighborhood. But, I have seen it cooked up and served on the cooking shows. I have researched it and read about it. And over the years, this dish has become a Winter Staple in my house. So, all you true loving Jambalaya fans, I might be doing something wrong that will make you turn your nose up and say "That's not REAL Jambalaya!!". And I apologize. I know how you feel. I feel that way about people using cottage cheese to make lasagna. One day, I do plan on going into the heart of Creole/Cajun cooking and ordering myself up some real Jambalaya.

But....in the mean time...this is a recipe that I have made and when hubby says "What's for dinner?" and I reply "Jambalaya", he knows what I mean and he smiles. He loves it as much as I do. So, if it is not real Jambalaya, then feel free to rename it something else. Like "Movie Junkie's Jambalaya"....or...."Junkilaya". I like that...Junkilaya.

It's pretty easy to do. And you can do it on the stove top or in your crock pot. Either way is great.

I start off with a can of tomato puree.

Add in a can of beef broth.

A couple of bay leaves. (Be sure to try and fish them out when you are ready to serve, or alert your eaters to keep an eye out for them.)

And my special ingredient. This:

That is a Green Bell Pepper all pureed up until it's green and frothy and foamy. Good stuff and really flavors the sauce nicely.

If cooking on the cook top, keep your pot over low heat and let it simmer. Don't forget to add some salt for seasoning.

When the sauce is heated up and begins to bubble, add cubed chicken.

Then some diced onions and bell peppers.

Cover and let it simmer. I like to let this cook low and slow.

When it is getting closer to serving time (about 45 minutes before), add some slice sausages.

I used Andouille Cajun Sausage. It has a wonderful heat to it. Gives the whole dish a nice little kick without being too overwhelming. I have also been known to use good ole' kielbasa, diced up. This is great if you don't like heat or can't find Andouille Sausage.

Normally, I also add cubed up Ham Steak. I LOVE Ham Steak in my Junkilaya. But, I didn't have any on hand, so this step was omitted. But, please try it with it. It's salty, a bit smokey. Another layer of flavor added to your bowl.

Let everything continue to mix and simmer and meld and marry.

A few minutes before you are ready to serve, you add the last meat to the pot. The shrimp.

I buy them already cleaned. All I have to do is pull off the tail and drop 'em in the pot.

This goes in last and only needs to cook for a few minutes. Cook it too long and it will turn rubbery. Once the shrimp turns pink, the dish is done.

I serve it with a pot of white rice on the side. And a bottle of Hot Sauce for those who want to spice it up. I used to ladle the Junkilaya into a bowl, then used an ice cream scoop for the rice and plunk a nice, neat ball in the middle of the stew. It made for a nice presentation. Looked real pretty.

But, my ice cream scoop broke and now I just use a big spoon and it doesn't look pretty any more. Still tastes great though. It's a Super-BOWL for sure!!! And the leftovers???? I swear this is one of those dishes that taste even better the next day.

Now, for a little drink. It just ain't the Superbowl without beer. But...I don't really like beer. Unless it's Corona with the lime, and that's more of a lounging by the pool type of beer. And we are in the middle of winter and my pool is covered with snow and ice.

But I must have some sort of beer or perhaps a drink that looks like a beer?

What do you think of this:

It's called a Baby Guinness. It's small, looks like a Guinness, but it goes down like sweet candy. Actually, this is a great shot to try for Valentine's Day. It's sweet and yummy.

All you need is one shot glass. Pour Kahlua into the glass, but leave room for the "head" of this baby Guinness. All Guinness's need a "head".

Then, carefully rest the lip of your bottle of Bailey's on the very edge of the shot glass and slowly let the Bailey's trickle into the Kahlua. It might take practice and a very steady hand, but the Bailey's should float, giving the little glass the look of holding a small dark beer with a foamy head.

Baby Guinness, Baby!!! Shoot it down! Even if it didn't float right in the glass, shoot it down anyway. Still taste good. Seriously, like candy. Sweet and sticky and chocolaty.

There you have it! A "beer" for those that don't like beer. But don't mind a couple of good shots!

Now, I feel it is my responsibility to remind my readers to please be responsible when it comes to drinking those little shots of candy goodness called Baby Guinness. Or any other alcoholic drink. You want to have a good time and you want it to end on a good note. Nothing screws up a party like a bad drunk wreaking havoc.

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