Welcome to recipes and stories from an unorganized but tasty self taught home cook/movie junkie.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Countdown to the Super-BOWL: Part I

Over the weekend we had the Superbowl. Millions of people across the country overdid it on food, drinks, and noise. The Superbowl has become so much more than football. It has become a holiday for getting together, wacky commercials, beer, and of course FOOD. Big food. Tasty food. Manly food.

This is not a day for gourmet and little, dainty bites. This is a day for messy, lip-smacking, American goodness. And beer. Lots of beer.

Now, I'm not a football fan. I couldn't tell you who played in the Superbowl, except that the Jets DID not. (Hey, I don't live under a rock). But I have grown to love Superbowl Sunday just because it gives me an excuse to cook and to eat. And I love that I cook with my husband's taste buds in mind. I try to cook with his favorite flavors.

This past Superbowl Sunday....I made a Super-BOWL. And I will get to the Super-BOWL. It is awesomeness in a....you got it...BOWL. Super food in a bowl. Get it? A Super-Bowl. I crack myself up.

But...before I get to that Super-BOWL, I made some other snacks. So this post is Part I as we count down to that Super-BOWL. This is about the first snack I made for my husband, my dad, and the kids. And even myself.

It's not Superbowl Sunday without these:


So simple. So easy. So good.

Dice up a small onion and a half a green pepper.

Brown up about a pound of ground turkey with some salt and pepper.

Add some of this:

This is Taco Seasoning. It comes in a little packet. You can just sprinkle some on, or use the whole envelope. It's up to you and how much kick you want on it. Since my Dad is not one for "kick", I only used a couple of spoonfuls.

Mix it all up and continue cooking. Throw on the peppers and onions and let it cook through.

Just when you are ready to turn off the heat, throw on a can of rinsed and drained kidney beans.

Let it cook about another minute or so.

Now, preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Cover a jelly roll pan with the tortilla chips of your choice.

Then top with the ground turkey/beans/peppers/onions.

Then comes the good stuff. The glue that holds it all together:

Any Shredded Cheese you want. Just pile it on there.

Pop in the oven for about 10 minutes. Just until that wonderful cheese gets all melty.


How can you resist? Look at that goodness.


So, good that this was what was left after only about 5 minutes:

This is a great idea for those watching their figures. Use Multi-grain baked chips and low-fat or no-fat cheese and it still tastes good. Who says you can't have nachos if you're on a diet?

And do you like heat? My Dad doesn't. He thinks this is "fancy enough" as it is. But, by all means spice these up with hot sauce in the meat mixture. Or chopped jalapenos. Or crushed red pepper flakes. Why not all three and really go for the gold. C'mon. It's Superbowl food. Make it your own anyway you want.

Stay tuned for tomorrow: Part II as we countdown to my Super-BOWL. The wing.

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