Welcome to recipes and stories from an unorganized but tasty self taught home cook/movie junkie.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Easiest Soup In The World

This whole post is actually somewhat of a joke. I mean, it's not really a recipe. But maybe there's someone out there that has never tried this or thought of it. This is Tortellini Soup.

Tortellini Soup and I go waaaaay back. I remember my Grandmother making it for me as a little girl. I remember going to an Italian Restaurant that served it as an appetizer, but my Mom would always order it for me as my meal. And I would slurp those little donut shaped, cheese filled pastas up like there was no tomorrow.

And for the longest time, I thought Tortellini was only to be eaten as a soup. Just the Tortellini and the broth. Eventually, I learned to appreciate and adore Tortellini in different ways, including Tortellini Salad, Tortellini Al Fredo, and even Tortellini is a tomato sauce. Or gravy.

And for a long time, Tortellini Soup was forgotten. Until I had my kids. Then, I remembered how much I loved Tortellini Soup. It's one of those dishes that bring back memories. One of the flavors, that as I taste it, I can close my eyes and hear my Grandmother's voice and convince myself I'm like five years ago. It is truly a comforting, Soul Soothing bowl of memories.

After my kids came along, I started making it for them. And they can't get enough of it. Whenever I make soup for their lunch or for a quick dinner, it is almost always 99% Tortellini Soup. My son can live on this soup. And I really don't mind, because it's so easy and simple and quick to make.

Are you ready? Are you ready for the recipe?

It's a carton of Chicken Broth (I use the Fat Free and Low Sodium because the Tortellini's are already salty enough from the cheese). And it's a bag of dried Tortellini.


Well, you got to bring the broth up to a boil first. Then drop the Tortellini's in. Let them cook for about 8 minutes...then...


One pot. Two ingredients. And it is seriously some good stuff. Better than any canned soup, that's for sure.

You can, and I have, add some diced chicken, sliced carrots and celery. But most of the times I just make it with the broth and pasta. That's it. Usually when I'm just not in the mood to cook or make a mess or feed my kids, but I know I have to feed them or I'll go down in Mommie Dearest History or something.

This is also great for cooking quickly in the morning, then filling up the kids' little soup thermos for a nice, warm lunch.

Funny thing is, I whipped this up one afternoon when my Dad was here. He had three bowls of it. He thought it was the best thing ever. And I laughed.

But...sometimes simple is the best thing ever.

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