Welcome to recipes and stories from an unorganized but tasty self taught home cook/movie junkie.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Craving Taco Bell? Try my Mock-O Bell!

I will admit it. I LOVE Taco Bell!!! It's so far down on the food scale, but it is sooo good. For Mother's Day, I don't want reservations at a fancy restaurant. I just want my hubby to go out and get me Taco Bell. And then I'm pretty happy.

Like 95% of pregnant women out there, Taco Bell was high on my cravings list. I don't know what it is about pregnant ladies and Taco Bell...they just go hand in hand. Seriously, the next time you go to Taco Bell, take a look around. I bet you spot more than one pregnant lady. And if you don't, they just aren't showing yet. Or they don't know it yet. But they are there. I guarantee it.

Over the weekend, I was craving Taco Bell, but I'm really trying to get a healthier view on my life. You can read about it here in my brand new blog: www.themoviejunkieloses.blogspot.com

Anyway, since I'm watching what I'm eating and trying to make better choices, Taco Bell was out of the question. Sure, I could just order one Taco, Chulupa, Gordita, Mex-Melt, or whatever strikes my fancy, but let's be honest here...NO ONE goes to Taco Bell to just order one item. Taco Bell is like a Stoner's Heaven. Pure gluttony.

So, I threw together a quick and easy, and somewhat healthy Mock-O Bell dinner on Saturday night. And I gotta say, it was pretty darn tasty and completely satisfied that Taco Bell craving.

And the best? It was made in one pan!! Yeah! Served it up on paper plates. Easey Peasey. No Muss No Fuss!

What you need:
One deep pan
Ground Turkey
Taco Seasoning
Ranch Seasoning
Onion, diced
Green Bell Pepper, diced
Can of Corn
A little bit of Tomato Puree
Fat Free Refried Beans
Taco Shells/ Tortilla Wraps

In the pan, brown the Ground Turkey. Then season with Taco Seasoning and Ranch Seasoning. How much? Depends on how you like it. You know your taste buds. Trust them. I like about 1/4 to 1/5 of the envelope of Taco Seasoning and the entire envelope of Ranch Seasoning.

Throw in the diced Onions and Peppers and mix it all up. Let it cook for a few minutes, to get a little soft. Then dump the can of Corn in. The whole can...including the water. It gives it a nice, sweet flavor in contrast with the Taco Seasoning's spices.

Add some Tomato Puree. A few tablespoons should do. Enough to bind the mixture a bit and to mellow out the saltiness of the Seasonings. Let it cook a bit more. Then drop the Refried Beans in and work at it. Mix it all in so it will thin out as it heats.

When it's all incorporated and hot, it's done. For the kids, I served it with taco shells. My hubby actually ate it over Yellow Rice. I had it in one of those low carb/low fat tortilla wraps.

And it was GOOD!! The only fat comes from the Ground Turkey. You got your veggies between the corn, the onions, the peppers, and the beans. And it's got that sloppy, fast food way about it.

It ain't a gourmet dinner, but it's an average fast food taco place American meal. I admit, when you cook it all up, it ain't much to look at, but neither is any Taco Bell meal.

Make it the way you like it. Serve it with chips, as a dip. Add some jalapenos or hot sauce to kick up the heat level. Add lettuce, cheese, sour cream, guacamole. I'm telling you...it's a pretty darn good alternative to the real thing.

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