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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Presto! It's Pesto!

I discovered Pesto later on in life. I don't really remember where or how. I just know that I absolutely LOVE IT!! If there is something with Pesto on the menu, I'm ordering it.

One of my favorite dishes was this grilled chicken and mozzarella panini sandwich with Pesto from Joshua Tree on Restaurant Row. Everytime I went there, I had to get this Panini. So good!!

Then, I tried this proscuitto sandwich with a Pesto dressing at another restaurant one time. Proscuitto and Pesto? Oh my!!! HEAVEN!!!

And of course, there's always Pesto Pasta. And it's always so good.

A couple of years ago, not knowing how to make Pesto, I bought some jarred stuff. Eh. Not the same. I also tried some freeze dried envelope packet thingy. Even worse. Pesto really needs to be fresh. And truthfully, since I've started making my own, there is something so special about it. The smell of the fresh basil and the toasted pine nuts...it really wakes up the kitchen and the senses.

Pesto is so easy. So uncomplicated. You really can't screw this up. Only once, did I mess it up and that's because I didn't have a Food Processor and tried to make it in a blender, then a mini-chopper and it was just a mess. After that, I bought myself a Food Processor.

Here's how simple it is. It's lots of fresh Basil, rinsed off and patted dry with some paper towels.

A good handful of Pine Nuts...or as my mother would call them: Pignoli's. I like to toast them ever so lightly in a dry pan over a low flame.

When you start to smell the Pine Nuts, turn off the heat and let them cool just a bit, then give them a whirl in the Food Processor. This will release even more goodness to the nose...the smell reminds me of an old fashioned Italian bakery.

Pull the Basil from the stems and pile it in the Food Processor. Top it off with lots of Grated Parm Cheese, some salt and pepper, and lots of minced garlic. I also love to add some fresh Lemon Zest. The citrus from the zest really brightens the flavor of the Pesto.

Let the Food Chopper whirl again while you slowly drizzle Olive Oil in, letting the whole thing emulsify.

The Basil, the Pignoli's, the Lemon, the Garlic...so much going on, but so simple.

While you are doing all this, have your water boiling and salted. Cook the pasta of your choice. I like to use a real thin spaghetti. The pasta is light and the Pesto is the star of the dish with a thin spaghetti.

After the pasta is drained, just toss the Pesto throughout out. You can control how much too. A little. A lot. I like just enough to coat the pasta.

And Presto! You made Pesto! This is a great vegatarian option or a great meal for a hot summer night. The only thing you are cooking is the pasta. No slaving away over a hot stove or oven.

I love this stuff. I can't get enough of it. Eat it on pasta, as a dressing on sandwiches. Top on grilled chicken or shrimp. Drizzle a bit on Bruschetta. The options are endless.

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