Welcome to recipes and stories from an unorganized but tasty self taught home cook/movie junkie.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Chicken Enchiladas???

Ok, so I'm not really sure how a true Chicken Enchilada is made. I suppose I could go and google and try different recipes, but I really like the way I make them. So, if it ain't broke, why fix it.

After moving out and getting married, I started experimenting with different flavors and foods. I came from an Irish/Italian/German house. This meant really good Italian food. Lots of meat and potato dishes. The occasional Chinese Take Out. And that was it.

Mexican Food was unheard of in our house. So was peanut butter until I was about 12.
It's all about Nutella in an Italian house, no?

Anyways, Taco Bell finally moved into our neighborhood when I was in my late teens and I discovered that I really like the spiciness...the cheeses....the tortillas...
Okay, calling Taco Bell Mexican Food is probably like calling Papa John's Italian Food. But, you get what I'm saying. Taco Bell was the stepping stone for me to venture out and discover flavor profiles I never knew existed.

So, while I was a young wife browsing the aisles of the supermarket, I came across a can of enchilada sauce. I looked at the picture on the can and thought "I can do this."

And this Italian/Irish/German mutt took it upon herself to make Chicken Enchiladas. And I love them this way. Something very comforting about them. Reminds me a bit of Lasagna. Cheesy...saucy...just good and warming to the tummy.

I start off with a big, huge can of Chicken Broth in a pot. I throw in boneless, skinless chicken breast and let them simmer and cook through.

Then, I take the breasts out one by one and with two forks, I pull them apart. Completely shred them.

I throw all the shredded chicken back into the pot along with a diced green bell pepper and a diced onion. I do love my green bell peppers, don't I?

I let it simmer some more. Let the broth cook down a bit.

With a slotted spoon, I begin to assemble my "burritos" with the chicken. Roll them and place them in a baking pan, seam side down.
Pack them in with as many as you can.

I open that wonderful can of Enchilada sauce and pour it all over the chicken stuffed burritos. Then spread lots and lots of shredded cheese on top. I've used cheddar. This time I used some sort of 4 cheese taco blend.

Pop it in the oven and bake until the cheese is melted and sauce is bubbling. While it's baking, I do this:

Gooey, runny cheese.

Lots of sauce to mop up.

Simple. Delicious. Comforting.

Just heavenly to my taste buds.

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