Welcome to recipes and stories from an unorganized but tasty self taught home cook/movie junkie.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

About Those Brats...

Remember yesterday, when I said to go ahead and defrost all the Bratwurst? Just cook them all? No matter how many mouths? No matter how many Brats?

This is why:
So good. So delicious. Even better the second time around.

I put all the leftover brats in a ziplock freezer baggie. I scoop out as much as I can of the onions too and throw them in. Some of that awesome buttery beer juice goes in the back as well.

Put it in the fridge and all the flavors really get a chance mingle and meld.

Two years ago, I had a big party and made so much food. There were tons of Drunken Brats left over. I threw all the left overs in a baggie and into the fridge they went.

About a week later, I took those Drunk, Frozen Brats on a trip to the White Mountains of New Hampshire. Something happened while they hung out in the freezer for the week. They went from delicious to AMAZING.

And they snapped back when you bit into them even more, if that was possible.

So that is why I told you to make them all. It's one of those meals that seems to get better with hanging out in the cold. Then you can nuke 'em. Heat 'em in the oven. Grill 'em in a frying pan. Or throw back on the BBQ. It's all good.
And don't forget those onions.

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