Welcome to recipes and stories from an unorganized but tasty self taught home cook/movie junkie.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Hawaiian Meatballs

This is a wonderful, little appetizer, finger food, party food, cocktail hour hors deovers (note to self: if you are going to blog about food, learn how to spell hors deovers!). It's a meatball, but a break away from the traditional Italian style meatball. They look pretty and taste awesome. We love these in my house!! Easy to make. Great to make ahead. And great as a leftover too.

The Hawaiian Meatball!! Who knew that something that is based on an Italian food could be so tropical.

You start off with Ground Turkey. I have used Ground Beef when I was in a pinch, but honestly, the Ground Turkey works much, much better. Drop the Ground Turkey in a bowl.

To the Ground Turkey, you will add half of a finely chopped bell pepper. I've used green. I've used red. Don't matter, though I think the red looks prettier. Also add a finely chopped onion (a small one or half of one.)

Next comes some Ginger. I've done minced Ginger from a tube. I've done Ground Ginger from the spice rack. I just happen to have had Ginger in my fridge, so I packed it up and took it to my friend's house. If using fresh Ginger, make sure you mince it well. My friend had some sort of gadget that when you cranked it, it grated the Ginger. Pretty cool. That's why I love cooking in other people's kitchens. You get to play with their toys.

Add Plain Breadcrumbs and the juice of a can of chunk Pineapples. Take off your rings and dig into that mixture and mix it up just like you are mixing a meatloaf...or meatballs. You want it to be the same texture. If too wet, add more Breadcrumbs. Too Dry? Add some more Pineapple juice.

Now comes the part that I think makes the meatballs bring on that something "special". With a bottle of Teriyaki Sauce, create a shallow "bath" in a baking pan. Then, roll the Ground Turkey mixture into a Cocktail sized meatball (golf ball? ping pong ball?), and then "bathe" the meatball in the Teriyaki bath. What do I mean by bathe? Roll it in the sauce to coat it, then push it to the side of the pan and park it.

After your last meatball is bathed and park and they are all lined up like little meatball soldiers, pop them in a 350 degrees oven and bake for about 20 minutes.

Mmmmm......looking good. And they smell so good too. The Teriyaki and the Pineapple Juice come together. Very tropical....Asian scented.

But we're not done yet. Now, if you are making them ahead of time, let them cool, wrap up, and refrigerate. When you are ready, take the chunks of Pineapples from the can (or if you accidentally bought Pineapple rings like I did, chunk them yourself) and with toothpicks, top each meatball with a Pineapple.

Then back in the oven until they are cooked through.

These really are so good. They almost taste like a dumpling filling. They are always a big hit. Men, Women, and Kids love 'em!! Great for sports parties, cocktail parties, holidays, and of course....Girls' Weekend Away.

(Just looked it up. It's hors d'oevres. That's how you spell it. I like it better the way my husband says it: Whore Doovers. Witty guy, ain't he?)

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