Welcome to recipes and stories from an unorganized but tasty self taught home cook/movie junkie.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Soup's On!

Summer has faded away, leaving us with that crisp, brisk feeling of Fall in the air. I love Fall. It means perfect temperature, sunny days with a slight chill, Halloween, pumpkins, that smell of golden leaves, and hearty, warm, soul soothing dishes.

It's also a time where cash runs a little low with two children in school. All the back to school supplies, lunch money, field trip money, Book Orders, Art Classes and Supplies, Cheerleading Fees, and so forth seem to hit us all at once and we never seem to be ready for it after a Summer of no fees and payments. So, we have to scrimp and save and manage the first couple of weeks until we adjust. And in the meantime, like Old Mother Hubbard, my cupboards start to become bare. And this is when I have to start to become creative with our meals. After all, there is only so many times I can serve up cans of Chef Boyardee and call it a meal.

I rummaged around and found a can of whole kernel corn, a can of creamed corn, a can of chicken broth, three potatoes, a bag of onions, and a half of container of heavy cream. I Googled around and pretty much discovered I could concoct a Corn Chowder like meal out of those ingredients. I also discovered I had never had Corn Chowder and it sounded pretty good to me. I'm some one who absolutely LOVES Tony Roma's Baked Potato Soup, and I love corn so this idea was very appealing to me.

Most of the recipes I read included Bacon. But since Ham Steaks were on sale and we are pinching pennies this week, I decided to use Ham Steaks instead. I do not regret this decision. It made the soup (chowder?) much more hearty. I think the thinness of the bacon would have made it feel more like a starter dish than the star dish.

Here's how it went. You need the following:
Ham Steaks (I had two small ones)
A can of Whole Corn Kernels, drained
A can of Creamed Corn
1 onion, diced
3 potatoes, diced
1 can of Chicken Broth
About a cup of Heavy Cream
Salt and Pepper

I cut the Ham Steaks into bite sized cubes and throw them in my pre-heated pot.

While they cooked, I diced the onion and the potatoes before adding them to the pot with a big spoonful of butter.

I mixed it all up and let the butter melt and coat the potatoes so they don't stick to the pan. After it cooked for a few minutes and the butter was melted and incorporated throughout, I added the Chicken Broth. Bring that to a simmer and let it reduce a bit and also soften the potatoes.

Then add both cans of corn. The Cream I heated in the microwave for about 30 seconds to take the chill off and bring it to room temperature. I do this with most dairy products when I'm going to add it to a hot pan. I find that this prevents it from curdling. And that's no good when it curdles. It looks gross and you got to toss it and then you get in a bad mood because you wasted your time and food. So, I always recommending bringing cream, milk, sour cream, etc. to room temperature before adding them to a hot pan.

After adding the cream, I stirred and mixed it all together. I added lots of black pepper. A little kosher salt. Not too much salt because the Ham Steak is already salty. I let it simmer until the potatoes were the perfect texture. Slightly firm, but not mushy.

That's it. Then I served it. My daughter ate two big bowls of this. My husband ate four. I had two myself and plan on having some leftovers today for lunch. It's really good. It's sweet from the corn, but smokey from the ham. The two flavors come together so nicely.

I can see bacon being awesome in this. I can also see using a nice sausage that has kick to it, like an andouille or chorizo. Mmmmm....sweet and spicy playing nice together...that would work very well.

And it's so comforting. A perfect Sunday meal for the beginning of Fall.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

My Husband's All Time Favorite-Taco Soup

I tell my husband that I'm making Taco Soup for dinner and he gets all levels of happy. Seriously. I should start holding his love for Taco Soup over his head. Like when I see a new pair of shoes that I want and he says No, I'll say "But I'll make Taco Soup for dinner..." and he'll give in. I must try this the next time he says no to getting me a Tea-Cup Pig. Have you seen these little guys? I seriously want to be the first in my neighborhood to own a Tea-Cup Pig. Too cute!!

Anyway, I usually make Taco Soup in the fall and winter, because it's a good, hearty soup. But the weather has been so blah and there was a whole lot of rain and wind over the weekend (in case you have not heard), so I decided there is nothing like a big pot of Taco Soup to warm the bellies, hearts, and souls. And best of all, not only is it awesome tasting, but it's not bad for you either.

Now, two recipes ago, I made my Mock-o Bell. This is very similar, but with a few tweaks here and there.

You need:
1 lb. Ground Turkey
1 large can of Tomato Puree
1 large can of Corn
Bell Pepper
1 can of water
Taco Seasoning
1 packet of Ranch Seasoning
1 can of Kidney Beans

Here we go. So simple and all in one pot. Don't you just love it when a meal is cooked in just one pot? Such an easy clean up!

Start off by browning the Ground Turkey. You might be tempted to use beef, but don't. I did once and it wasn't the same. Plus the amount of grease was too much for a soup.

As the Turkey is browning, dice up an Onion and Bell Pepper. Throw it in the pot and mix it all up. Let the veggies soften a bit. Then dump the entire large can of Tomato Puree in and mix it all up.

Next comes the can of corn. Dump it in, water and all and mix. Now, it should be looking pretty thick right now. More like a stew, so fill that corn can up with water then pour about half into the pot. Mix. Is it still looking too thick for you? Then go ahead and pour the rest of the water in.

Season it with the Taco Packet. How little or how much is up to you. Then the Ranch Seasoning packet. I like the whole packet in there. Mix it all up really good and let it simmer for a bit. I usually let it simmer for about 20 minutes or so, stirring occasionally.

Last comes the Kidney Beans. Dump them in a strainer first and rinse them off. About five minutes before you are ready to serve the soup, pour the beans in and...yes...mix.

It smells so good. And the colors...that yellow, with the red, and bits of green peeking throughout. Such a pretty soup!!

Have fun with it!! Serve it with some shredded cheese or a little dollop of Sour Cream on top. Crumble some tortilla chips into it or even let the kids put some Cheddar Gold Fish Crackers on top. Hot sauce can be a good thing if you want more kick. Or even some diced Jalapenos.

Or...just serve it as it. Hot and steamy. Warm and comforting. Sweet and Spicy. And, it's all good.